About Us

Welcome to LIILA, where sustainability and style intertwine to create a fashion-forward and eco-conscious brand. We are on a mission to revolutionize the fashion industry and prove that looking fabulous can be done responsibly and ethically.

A More Detailed Look at Liila's Practices


- Liila's recycled materials are Scope Certified by the standards of the Global Recycled Standard (GRS)

- Liila is EcoStylist certified after a multistep investigation into our sustainable practices Eco-Stylist Certified

- Our machines have a 30% increase in energy efficiency, and this percentage continues to rise with each new collection as more money can be invested. Employing a conscientious approach, we limit the number of machines and source energy from providers committed to renewable and clean nuclear energy.

- In our work space, we exclusively utilize LED lights and energy-efficient equipment.

- Our design patterns follow a "bottom-up" strategy, minimizing waste and reinforcing our commitment to sustainability. Waste from our products is given to other artisans for their projects and/or upcycled into cushions for our office.

- Our products are packaged using compostable materials, reflecting our dedication to reducing environmental impact. This choice not only minimizes waste but also aligns with our values, ensuring that our customers receive their orders in a manner that is both stylish and eco-conscious. 

- Liila dresses are crafted by an extraordinary group in the vibrant heart of the textile industry, New Delhi. We partner with a team of 6, including 1 pattern master and 2 tailors. This area holds profound cultural significance for me, as India boasts some of the most exquisite fabrics and skilled seamstresses. It serves as my cherished home away from home.

- We handle every aspect internally, with no subcontracting involved. This commitment ensures direct control, meticulous attention to detail, and a seamless, unified approach to delivering exceptional quality in every facet of our work.

- We take great pride in our commitment to fair labor practices, as we prioritize our workers' well-being by providing them with a wage that is double the minimum standard.

- Our team is deeply involved in the creation process, visiting the studio where our dresses come to life on a daily basis. This hands-on approach allows us to maintain a close connection with every step of the production, ensuring quality control and ethics are met.

Our studio and the wonderful team that made your Liila Garment!

The LIILA Difference:
We take pride in crafting each piece with love and care. Our garments are not just trendy designs; they are a testament to our commitment to sustainability. From the sourcing of eco-friendly and deadstock materials to the implementation of handmade clothing, every step is taken with utmost consideration for the environment and the people involved. Additionally, we believe in zero net waste when producing our clothing, and follow measures to ensure this standard is met.  


LIILA's Founder:

At 15 years old, our founder was driven by an unwavering passion for sustainability and a determination to break free from the clutches of fast fashion, and so she embarked on a mission to make a difference. Realizing how the fashion industry often targets young people, she recognized the urgent need for change. Drawing inspiration from her love for fashion and a strong commitment to eco-friendliness, she set out to create LIILA, a brand that combines style with responsible practices. 

She presented at the prestigious Social Impact Investment & Sustainability Conference, captivating over 5 million viewers. The United Nations and UNIDO recognized her outstanding efforts, honoring her as the Global Youth Ambassador of SDG & Carbon Neutrality Activity.

Motivated by the response to her ideas, she immersed herself in extensive research to source sustainable fabrics. She understood that every choice mattered, from materials to production methods, and delved deep into learning the best sustainable practices. It was a journey filled with challenges, but fueled by her passion, she embraced every obstacle as an opportunity to create something truly remarkable. Her dedication shone through as she carefully curated each piece, ensuring it aligned with the brand's sustainable values.

LIILA was born out of a dream to make sustainable clothing accessible to everyone. Our founder firmly believes that eco-conscious fashion should be affordable and readily available, empowering individuals to make mindful choices for the planet without breaking the bank.

As the heart and soul of LIILA, she aspires to take the brand to greater heights, reaching a broader audience and becoming an influential voice in the sustainable fashion movement. With every stride she takes, she envisions LIILA as a catalyst for change, inspiring other young minds to challenge the norms, foster a conscious lifestyle, and create a better, greener world.

LIILA is not just a sustainable fashion brand; it's a reflection of one young visionary's determination to make the world a better place. Join us on this inspiring journey towards a greener, more conscious future, one eco-chic step at a time.